I just have to get this off my chest.
I literally don't think it is possible to experience life to it's fullest and live to your full potential without taking the Orange Pill.
I shudder just thinking about my life had I not come across Bitcoin, had I not been sucked into the rabbit hole. Sure, ignorance would have been bliss in some ways, but the sense of clarity, freedom, and empowerment you get from taking that gosh darn Orange Pill is beyond words.
Crazy to think how completely life changing such a simple creation can be, how empowering this idea has been for so many of us. And on the flip side, how frightening it is realizing how human potential killing and oppressing the fiat system is.
I'm bullish. I'm bullish on myself, I'm bullish on this community, I'm bullish on humanity.
And we're just getting started!
This sub is about talking shit on the government or any form of anyone ever at all being in control of anything at all ever.
Not for discussing the greatest asset known to man. These dumbasses think that calling something an asset is inherently bad.
That’s how far up shit creek they went sniffing their own ass.