I don't understand what the point is of putting a BTC logo in your establishment and then not accepting payments with it, but hey, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip and that the city has improved :)
It seems all these places have accepted Bitcoin in the past, but gave up for whatever reason. I'd also love to know more
Maybe they have one customer in 2 weeks who pays with bitcoin.
Because of this, they forget to log in to/charge the point-of-sale device at the start of the shift.
“Bitcoin is down today”.
I witnessed many foreign Bitcoiners in El Salvador paying with fiat credit cards even in Bitcoin meetups because of their 4% cashbacks, and I can’t blame them.
Bitcoiners should come up with better incentives for merchants to offer it as a means of payment.
I thought that for a moment, I understand that many businesses fail to implement the Lightning Network, maybe this is why.
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @leo OP 26 May
All these old stickers are from professional payment processors that have Lightning enabled by default. The reason must lie elsewhere
I understand, thanks for the info