Red Dead Redemption 2
On paper I should love this game. Fairly realistic open world, a western, what is largely agreed to be a good story, and lots of side stories to do. However, I really don't like it! The initial story section before getting to the open world was a slog, and I wasn't drawn to any of the characters. Then when the world opened up I still wasn't impressed. I can't really put my finger on why, but I just didn't want to play it for much longer.
How far did you get in history? I completed it and loved the game.
I don't remember at this point, it's been a couple of years. I think I had about 10-12 hours in though.
I understand, for me, the game starts to get really exciting after 20-25 hours of play.
Unfortunately in my case I have fairly limited free time, so if a game doesn't grab me in the amount of time I spent, I drop it. Maybe someday I'll give it another shot. many other games that I like that I can spend my hour or so a day on!