On October 31, 2008, an unknown coder named Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper that laid the foundation for an entirely new monetary system – 15 years later, the world is only just catching on to its true value and potential.By Pete Rizzo, Kraken Editor at LargePete Rizzo is a leading Bitcoin Historian and author of over 2,000 articles on cryptocurrency. He is also an Editor at Bitcoin Magazine.The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of Kraken or its management. This opinion is not investment advice.- Bitcoin – a computer science invention – is a world first that will never repeat
- Here are 5 ways Bitcoin succeeded where these projects failed
- A fair launch
- An open network
- Strong property rights
- Fixed monetary policy
- Limitless improvement
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21 sats \ 0 replies \ @freebookspls 25 May 2024
There's the marketing aspects of Bitcoin that are huge for its popularity:
- Organic engagement: no paid ads, just users telling friends and family what they find and exchanging knowledge
- Brand recognition: Grandmas know bitcoin and have an idea, even if superficial, of what btc is.
- First to market: being the first to do something gives an unquestionbable market advantage
- Loyal users: most bitcoins ever created were never spent, and may never be
- A great name: Bitcoin sounds like digital money