You know I can only see the tweet and not the context right?
Well anyway, if I take what you're saying at face value, then you're bringing twitter drama over to SN for some reason, but why? Twitter is designed around engagement farming, so you're feeding trolls over there.
That all said, I can actually explain why I think something is a shitcoin including monero.
Didn't know and also I automatically assume that people have Twitter accounts, since everyone I know has one even if they don't use it.
I didn't think that Stacker had it's only subculture drama that doesn't mix with Twitter's (in hindsight this is obvious), but more than anything I'm posting gere to have a good place to post it, it's for me a lot better than having a blog or posting on Reddit where I know Theymos and BashCo will ban me because this will offend them directly.
About the shitcoin thing, you don't have to, the point is not that of if things are or not shitcoins, the point is that no matter how good something is for an specific use case, people Will tell you not just to not use it, but that you're some kind of monster for eveb implying that you would.