This is presented as a pro-bitcoin bill, but it looks like there's some crazy restrictions in there. For instance, you can't buy digital assets for more than the greater of 10% of your net worth or 10% of your annual income.

“(B) with respect to a transaction involving the purchase of units of a digital asset by a person who is not an accredited investor, the aggregate amount of all units of digital assets purchased by such person during the 12-month period preceding the date of such transaction, including the unit of a digital asset purchased in such transaction, does not exceed the greater of—
“(i) 10 percent of the person’s annual income or joint income with that person’s spouse or spousal equivalent; or
“(ii) 10 percent of the person’s net worth or joint net worth with the person’s spouse or spousal equivalent;
That's wild! Do you know if they're trying to apply that to standard bitcoin buys too or is that only for the ETFs of the world?
Umm...I didn't even think of the ETFs, I thought it was for straight BTC. I could totally be mistaken though.
If I remember right the whole thing is 482 pages long. Insane.