Very interesting
It looks like some sort of quality-quantity tradeoff: fast food vs real meals.
What do you think's going on there?
Hard to say.
The feeling of being full takes some time to set in - if you eat fast you have consumed more calories until you feel full. Almost as if it was a 20 min timeout timer. This is the super simple straight forward interpretation from the data. It kind of feels too simple but idk.
It could also be that some regions just culturally value eating more. Therefore eat slower and eat higher quality. In cultures that value time more than food dietary fiber might be a waste of time.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 25 May
I wonder what introverts do in countries where they value slow eating. Personally, the idea of having an hours-long conversation every night sounds stressful.
It's less than an hour per meal, but your point is still taken. I imagine there's usually one blowhard at any meal who does the majority of talking.