Yes, but often not the ideological chops. They're the blue collar mercenaries who just plug the machines in and make money.
I wonder how to incentivize them to run more nodes. Maybe some slick UX plug-and-play system could help?
Got it. So it's the incentive to run a node, not the know-how. If large miners are purely mercenary, then there must be some financial benefit, however small, to sway them. Convincing them on idealogical grounds sounds like an uphill battle. A few conceptual options that come to mind:
  • Establish Braidpool as the leading decentralized mining pool and focus on the benefit of decentralization in mining as the core message (which it looks like you primarily do). People should find Braidpool if they look for "decentralized mining".
  • Talk to all the major pools and see if there are any that would shift to decentralization. I am skeptical they would because once power is attained, it is rarely relinquished. Which leads to the next point.
  • Target that long tail of the 2.3% "Other" category that do not want to be part of a huge mining pool. These are likely the more idealogical miners.
  • Talk to the Stratum V2 devs to see if they would support positioning decentralizing mining pools.
  • Talk to the Bitaxe folks and other "nerd miner" hardware mfgs to see if they would support positioning decentralized mining pools with their product. Buyers of these devices are not mercenary because there is no money in it. They are curious, like me, who want to learn more and I speculate that many also run nodes, like I do.
  • Create a territory here on @sn as the central hub for Decentralized Mining communications.