I would like to share with you a reflection on the idea that we should not aim directly at success, but rather let it happen as a by-product of our dedication to a greater cause or our surrender to another person.
According to this perspective, success and happiness cannot be actively pursued, but must emerge as natural consequences of our actions and dedication. However, this view conflicts with the principles of Objectivism that I advocate.
I firmly believe that success is not something achieved by chance or as a side effect of serving something external to ourselves. On the contrary, success is the direct result of our rational efforts, of our conscious and determined pursuit of personal goals. It is the reward for our competence, creativity, and productivity.
The concept of surrendering to a greater cause or another person, neglecting our own goals and interests, is an abandonment of our individual potential. It is essential that each of us defines what success and happiness mean for ourselves and works actively to achieve these goals. This is not irrational selfishness, but rather rational selfishness, where we recognize that our own happiness and fulfillment are the highest values we can pursue.
We must be guided by reason, not by a vague idea of collective conscience. True happiness and success come when we are engaged in activities that we are passionate about, that challenge our minds and skills, and that allow us to create and innovate. There is no virtue in sacrificing our own goals in the name of an altruistic ideal. Life should be lived with purpose, and that purpose should be chosen by each of us, individually.
Therefore, I say to you: do not fear aiming at success. Define your goals clearly, pursue them with determination, and do not be swayed by the notion that fulfillment only comes as an unintended consequence. Success and happiness are achievements that we deserve and should actively seek, based on our reason and our personal values. Follow your own path, and success will naturally follow because you pursued it consciously and rationally.