HD Wallet Scanner Find all used addresses in your Bitcoin HD Wallets bypassing gap limits
HD Wallet Scanner is a utility for resolving an Account Discovery issue when a HD Wallet has more than X (usually 20) unused addresses in a row and a wallet software stops seeing addresses beyond this point.
account-discovery: When the master seed is imported from an external source the software should start to discover the accounts in the following manner: -derive the first account's node (index = 0) -derive the external chain node of this account -scan addresses of the external chain; respect the gap limit described below -if no transactions are found on the external chain, stop discovery -if there are some transactions, increase the account index and go to step 1 -This algorithm is successful because software should disallow creation of new accounts if previous one has no transaction history, as described in chapter "Account" above. Please note that the algorithm works with the transaction history, not account balances, so you can have an account with 0 total coins and the algorithm will still continue with discovery. https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0044.mediawiki#account-discovery
One-Time-Address: A better way to share your Bitcoin address. https://github.com/alexk111/One-Time-Address
The utility was made to supplement One-Time Address. However it will also be helpful if you encounter the gap limit issue in other circumstances.
How it works You set an extended public key, a range for address indexes and a starting block for each of your HD Wallets HD Wallet Scanner scans blocks and generates report files with address indexes and input stats in output directory You use Bitcoin Core + HWI (if you use a hardware wallet) to import child keys derived with the address indexes and then spend unspent outputs
this is very useful. I have written the same for liquid layer as well like 2 years ago :D (never released it, as I found an issue with how liquid works while coding the tool)