When I say stupid high I mean double what I would guess. This(source) seems like it is either lazy or clickbait. Maybe both.
In general most sites that do this kind of stuff are sus to me.
Just to confirm my understanding, you're saying that an average annual income of $135k is enough to live in California with a wife and two kids on a 50/30/20 budget? I agree that the term "comfortable" is subjective, but are the numbers that different from your perception?
I mean I'd argue the numbers are off in other states too. I know plenty of people that live very well in some of the other states. I just think articles like these get attention. Don't get me wrong, it is getting harder to survive but I don't think inflating stats is the answer.
Depending on WHERE in the state and other factors like how large your home is... yes. Unless I'm missing something with the budget. It would be tight with that budget but It would be closer to 130 than 277. The problem is that most people in California live in SoCal or SF area and those areas for sure are in that range.