I don't really understand why basket interference exists. I understand goaltending if you are preventing someone from scoring because teams would just leave the biggest guy in front of the rim and swat every shot away if there was no goaltending but there is no such positional advantage for the attacking team so why even have it?
In hockey if a puck is dribbling towards the goal line the attacking players don't stop and say lets see if this goes in first before we slap it into the net to make sure it goes in.
Silly rule.
I believe this is one of the Wilt Chamberlain rule changes, because they used to just park him right in front of the hoop and he could out jump everyone for easy dunks.
Oftentimes, you can figure out why a rule exists if you ask yourself "What would Wilt have done in the absence of this rule?"
That makes sense. Maybe due for an updating If a guy is messing with the rim or net ok but let the kids dunk.
I've heard some talk of relaxing the interference rule to match the international rule.
From what I understand, that rule is that the ball becomes fair game once it hits the rim.
Now that seems logical to me.