this territory is moderated
*attack spending minimum
NATO is defensive alliance.
that has literally never defended against any attack but has actively attacked Serbia, Libya, and Afghanistan, destroying and leveling these countries without provocation because they stood in the way of US economic dominance in the world.
  • Serbia 1999 was intervention to stop ethnic cleansing of Albanians by Serbs.
  • Libya was UN sanctioned mission.
  • Afghanistan was response to 9/11, USA invoke NATO Article 5 and called NATO to also fight Al-Qaeda.
that has literally never defended against any attack
Si vis pacem, para bellum! Idea of defensive coalitions is to prevent anyone to even think about attacking.
they stood in the way of US economic dominance in the world
Yes, Afghanistan definitely stood in a way of USA economically, LOL.
Serbia was a lie. Libya was the most prosperous stae in Africa and returned to literal slavery after being completely destroyed. Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11. you know this, if you haven't been living under a rock.
Their sin was resistance against US ecomonic domination. And while one country individually, especially a less than prosperous one like Afghanistan, isn't much, the example a poor country could set by liberating itself from the US financial system and then prrospering ( Libya) is dangerous. Especially when it has resources to be cheaply exploited. As can be witnessed now, the West is franatically trying to keep its control over the Sahel. All of these states are not poor by the way. They're super rich, it's just the people that are poor.. because the weaoth is being extracted and robbed.
You know all this.
Every member is delinquent except for USA and 5 other countries.
32 members total
Another reason to reject membership for Ukraine: a corrupt society that doesn’t pay their debts
that doesn’t pay their debts
They fight like a devils! In the first week of Russian full scale invasion destroyed more Russian tanks than Germany have in working condition in total. That's important factor for military aliance too.
what are they all buying? jets and carrriers? lol
Baltic countries itself cannot afford to buy and maintain modern fighter jets even with 2.5% of GDP military spending.
lol maybe they can buy a small boat and harrier jet. They dont need much space to land.
And what's the point?
it would just be cool. Imagine them buying all the stuff they dont need from america lol
Harrier jets aren't American, they are British.
That's why we buy stuff we need, like air defense systems.
are they? I didnt know, I just think they are cool.
Yes, but they are obsolete, aren't being produced anymore for some 20 years.