Ohhhh Ok, well, nothing out of standards sadly. I of course have seen the same amidst libertarianism itself, not surprised to see it amidst bitcoiners. This phenomenon is what convinces me that "intelligence" isn't a single virtue but applies individually to different fields, and to see someone being logical in a given field do not means he is able to extrapolate the same abstract causality criteria to other fields (sometimes not even within the same field).
My mantra regarding any terraplanism, cultism and similar idiotic attitudes is: be accountable for your own stupidity and be happy, but don't thread on me 🐍
and to see someone being logical in a given field do not means he is able to extrapolate the same abstract causality criteria to other fields (sometimes not even within the same field).
Very true. And it is easy to recognize when one actually is an expert in the field the other person thinks he is an expert by extrapolation of unrelated expertise.
Reminds me to always be aware of Gell-Mann amnesia~~
Thank you for pointing me to the article! That coupled with the dunning-kruger effect makes for a hopeless combo, yaayy :D