Bitcoin is going to be quite centralized in a world that is mostly at peace and trading with one another normally. There will be Federations and LN Hubs and Bitcoin Banks all over the place. And that's okay, as long as we retain the ability to run our own nodes, and exit the centralized system when shit hits the fan. Optionality is what Bitcoin offers that fiat never could.
The same goes for Nostr. It will centralize. BUT, we have the OPTION to decentralize when we need to. When the shit hits the fan.
A politician or media persona being censored on one relay has the option to run their own relay! The incentive is strong, because they have a public platform already and wish to retain control over it. Nostr gives these individuals the ability to decentralize when necessary.
Sure, the average person will use it in a centralized way 99% of the time, but the real power comes from OPTIONALITY.
Would love to hear other people's thoughts on this.