True, and eventually with more accurate measurements every theory has its limits and a new one is needed. And different theories can coexist in their own limitations. I like to think of Newtonian mechanics and SR/GR. Newton’s theory is still good at low speeds and weak gravity, although Einstein's theories describe it more accurately and within broader limits.
Good to see a few Stackers here with a proper understanding of how the scientific method works... welcome to the ~science territory~~ It's depressing at times to see how much distrust there is in science these days, especially in the Bitcoin community.
Then I thankfully don't know the community much, what kind of distrust in science bitcoiners have expressed?
Well, the most obvious example is the distrust towards vaccines. Because of the (justified) distrust in some of the political decisions to push (mRNA) vaccines regardless of sufficient or insufficient testing (where some scientists such as Faucci played a dirty role, I concur), many people now flat-out reject the proven efficacy of long-tested vaccines in general (some childhood diseases are now on the return and becoming deadly again because large communities refuse to vaccinate their children completely) or, arguably, fail to acknowledge the promising future of mRNA as new technology.
Or the reliance on anecdotical evidence to push for all-meat diets and the anti-seed oil movement. These diets might have a promising future ahead, but that's why the scientific method exists. To test, with control groups, and adjust existing knowledge in light of new evidence. And not because great leader Saifedean says so :)
Then again, the vocal Bitcoiners expressing these anti-science ideas are probably not representative of the majority of quiet Bitcoiners...
Ohhhh Ok, well, nothing out of standards sadly. I of course have seen the same amidst libertarianism itself, not surprised to see it amidst bitcoiners. This phenomenon is what convinces me that "intelligence" isn't a single virtue but applies individually to different fields, and to see someone being logical in a given field do not means he is able to extrapolate the same abstract causality criteria to other fields (sometimes not even within the same field).
My mantra regarding any terraplanism, cultism and similar idiotic attitudes is: be accountable for your own stupidity and be happy, but don't thread on me 🐍
and to see someone being logical in a given field do not means he is able to extrapolate the same abstract causality criteria to other fields (sometimes not even within the same field).
Very true. And it is easy to recognize when one actually is an expert in the field the other person thinks he is an expert by extrapolation of unrelated expertise.
Reminds me to always be aware of Gell-Mann amnesia~~
Thank you for pointing me to the article! That coupled with the dunning-kruger effect makes for a hopeless combo, yaayy :D
Exactly 💯