I’m not sure if I remember that from when it happened or just from seeing it replayed for the past 30 years.
I think they had to substantially redesign NBA hoops because of him.
Wow that really was over 30 years ago. I must be old. Feels like yesterday.
It’s wild how that works. Talking to a kid today about Shaq is like someone talking to us about Wilt.
Considering they haven’t shot well from 3, Dallas has to be pretty happy down 1 going to the 4th on the road. This is where Minny’s D really locked in against Denver in game 7.
Agreed. I thought Minny's D would lock them down better. Kyrie also did not wait until the 4th to light it up. Maybe Ant's post game interview in game 7 calling Kyrie out like that poked the bear?
Luka heating up. Minny might be in trouble.
I didn’t like that basket interference call. That changed the dynamic of the last couple mins.
Yea, that call was quite weak. I really liked seeing Luka playing so hard on both ends though. Made several big defensives plays and scored a few big baskets towards the end.
Yeah he was really hustling defensively.
It was KAT, though. Of course he fucked up the biggest play of the game. Otherwise, he was awesome. That's the KAT experience in a nutshell.
You mean that missed 3 he chucked up in the last minute of the game? I guess he had a pretty good look and thought he could make it, because he had just made a big 3 a few minutes ago? The 3 wasn't really contested so he probably felt confident taking it. That said, there was still plenty of time on the shot clock (13s) and he could have looked for a better shot instead of rushing that 3. I see McDaniels quite open on the strong side corner. Gobert can also attempt to cut behind Lively for a dunk or layup, if KAT can make that pass. Or get Conley to cut and use him as a decoy to draw help from Luka or Lively, then Conley pass to whoever becomes open for an easy 2?
This screenshot is the moment just before KAT took that 3 by the way. Maybe you guys can come up with better options for him than just chuck it up?
I thought that threw away pass by McDaniels to Luka really hurt them too. Not only a turn over, but also led to a 3 by Washington and Mavs getting the lead back.
Dallas is scoring more on Minny D than I thought they would.