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Hello Reader. My name is Lumor, and I'm a Bitcoin junkie.
Just can't get enough somehow. Sure, some podcasts get old. Maybe one day SN will too. It all serves as a numbing while doing other stuff.

⚑ Satori

Yesterday it struck me - maybe I've been subconsciously framing Bitcoin as a story, and I'm just struggling to figure out how it will all end? Our innate circuits for many of us is to follow stories 'til the end after all.

πŸ‘ Observer

Never getting to the end is one problem. Another problem is that stories imply being an observer/consumer/passive. Fortunately that problem has started sorting itself out for me. I am becoming a humble participant in the ecosystem beyond SN. But it's not enough.

πŸ›Ÿ Feedback

Any tips on how to decrease the Bitcoin media abuse? Maybe tips for cutting out noise while keeping some signal? Exercises for dopamine detox you tried and had success with?
If you believe it’s the truth. I don’t see why you would stress yourself on where it’s going.
That is how I look at it. These daily metrics and numbers are just a distraction.
Don't focus on price-only content, more engaged with compliance/capture narrative/solutions. I guess node counts dropping continuously would be a number I would focus on if it happened.
I love your title. It drew me in and piqued my curiosity.
How are you participating in the BTC space beyond SN? I think focus on making the embers grow into a fire πŸ”₯? What we focus on expands.
Good luck! Have fun!
Thanks for the kind words, it means something coming from you. πŸ™‚
Particupating under a different nym, and want to keep them separate, so avoiding that question. Will try to lean into it more though.
Oh mysterious! Haha