Since you started your journey with Bitcoin, what habits has you changed? And what knowledge have you obtain?
I start: I always have been a good saver with money, but Bitcoin challenge me every time I want to buy something, because I know that the same item will be cheaper in the future.
Before Bitcoin, I have never question the FIAT money system, I knew in Venezuela that my local currency was broken but I was happy saving in USD, now with the knowledge I got thanks to the orange pill, the majority of my savings are backed by math and stored in a paper.
So, just drop you answer down 👇.
In a way, it's been very similar to my journey with health, although it's unfolded much more rapidly.
I've sought to incorporate bitcoin at every opportunity, substituting bitcoin alternatives wherever I find them:
  • using sMiles over FitBit
  • using Fold with all participating merchants instead of cards with fiat rewards
  • using FreeBitoin instead of FanDuel
  • using nostr and SN instead of other social media
The result is that I'm having much more fulfilling interactions with stackers than I had with previous online communities and I'm stacking real money doing it.
What I've learned is that we really might be able to fix the world by fixing the money. That's incredible, but I think it's true.
Thanks for the answer, you mentioned some many apps that I've never heard of and now I have to check it out.
Until I learned about the world of Bitcoin, I had no way to set aside much savings. Life in Italy is expensive and inflation is high. By now I accumulate sats as much as I can. It will pay off in a few years and already I can see some good results.😉
Thanks for the answer. Yes Bitcoin is the best tool for saving.
Keep up with the stacking SATs for a better future.
I got to understand money for the first time, and from it, decentralization and exchange dynamics, and from it, politics and governance. It was fundamental, because I thought I had understood governance solely from open-source principles, but at the same time I thought UBI had logic, and Bitcoin slapped my face back on tracks.
Bitcoin is the only teacher we need, each rabbit hole could take you to learn a new topic.
I don't see Bitcoin as a teacher in itself, rather as a good student. Bitcoin was one of many concepts (like open-source principles, libertarianism, etc) that allowed me to distill a root abstract theory for everything. I'm working on compaginating all of that to present it as a sort of "manifest".