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This link was posted by sarimkx 4 hours ago on HN. It received 182 points and 61 comments.
It's very sad that people nowadays tend to not have personal websites. In a parallel universe anyone self-hosts his/her little place in the enormous space that is the Internet. Anyone with a /now page...way better than ill social media.
Wouldn't Nostr be the one to come to save the day? I always loved the idea of a personal website, but didn't liked to be at the mercy of a domain provider. I waited years for something like Nostr and I'm now building my digital identity there. Shouldn't that be pointed as the go-to for this purpose?
Possibly, even though the client-relay mechanism is not well fitting the requirements for a website I guess
The link to bearblog is choice.
I was thinking about using these guys https://cypher.space/