I created an agent that I thought would be decent enough but after using it I'd like to refine it more. Can I edit the original? Is it only possible through forks later on? Would like to put my best agent forward!
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Hey! It's kinda hidden right now - I think we accidentally removed the edit button - but yes if you go to https://openagents.com/agents/(id)/edit where (id) is the id number of your agent (check the URL you visit when clicking on it in the store for the id, that will let you edit it.
I was able to find the edit button (not sure if you added it back).
A followup question: on the edit screen it doesnt show the previously uploaded knowledge files. Do I need to reupload them if I edit the agent? Some onscreen indication either way would be helpful.
I noticed knowledge file upload is not working for me on the edit screen. Is this why? on Brave Version 1.65.132 Chromium: 124.0.6367.202 macOS 14.5
The browser shouldn't be an issue here, since i am using brave too and it works for me. What is the extension of the file you are trying to upload?