Sorry about the omission. I grabbed the relevant posts from your list of top posts and I missed it.
I don’t think people need to feel invested for my argument to land. The assumption I need is that Stackers will eventually leave if there’s no longer any content that interests them.
The takeaway I’m hoping people get is that honest zapping creates a feedback cycle: people like you get more voting power, which leads to your content creators getting more rewards, which attracts more users like you, which increases your voting power…
No lar, no apologies needed. After all, I write dozens of articles on SN haha.
The point about voting power is thought-provoking, and I think it would fly by many Stackers, me included. Reason being voting power isn’t as visible as sats haha. N erm, since it’s kinda clouded in mystique, it’s an abstract entity. It’s nearly impossible to track the ups n downs of my voting power, I reckon. N what doesn’t get tracked doesn’t get managed.
I don’t really expect this message to land, but it popped into my head last night, so I made a post about it this morning.
Well done, you. You should post your original content more often
I like being able to give a lot of attention to the comments on my posts and it starts feeling hectic when I have more than one discussion going on at a time.
We've been talking basketball quite a bit lately, so that's where most of my original content has been going.