Something about trade I don't quite get the situation..
China manufactures stuff at low cost (post-national outsourcing of manufacturing to China more than 30 years ago) and dumps a lot of product, undercutting the global market, consequently other nations that manufacture outside of China have no business.
Polyoxymethylene is a precision, highly stable thermoplastic, invented and developed by Germany, refined and patented by Dupont in the US, and a large reason for patents is exactly to limit the rights to arbitrarily copy. China possibly modifies some products and patents. Seems this should be expected, as you can't enforce, and now we find ourselves in the middle of the meaninglessness of phrases like 'anti-dumping investigation'.
My only conclusions are that business is 'good' for all nations. This is apolitical. Anyone who pretends this is a political matter is deceiving. Secondly, patents are 'bad'. The world would not find itself in a world of nonsense with public domain, non-restrictive IP, and licensing. Don't know if you agree, just my 2 microsatoshi.