I could see Apple coming out with their own wallet, but I can't see it being Bitcoin-only, just given the nature of the company and the market.
To be fair, they included the bitcoin whitepaper in macOS by default. You can see it by opening your terminal and running:
open /System/Library/Image\ Capture/Devices/VirtualScanner.app/Contents/Resources/simpledoc.pdf
I wouldn't be surprised either way, but I could see them making a bitcoin-only wallet too. That being said: I wouldn't use their wallet.
They actually pulled it last year, so the latest couple don't have it. But all indicators are that was an internal thing placed there by an engineer, not a corporate statement.
And yeah, even if they went with a BTC-only wallet, I couldn't imagine using it.
Yea I don't think including the whitepaper was on someone's product roadmap.