Sometime between May and September, a white dwarf is expected to go thermonuclear.
When you look at the northern sky, you can follow the arm of the Big Dipper as it arcs around toward the bright star called Arcturus. Roughly in the middle of that arc, you'll find the Northern Crown constellation, which looks a bit like a smiley face. Sometime between now and September, if you look to the left-hand side of the Northern Crown, what will look like a new star will shine for five days or so.
This star system is called T. Coronae Borealis, also known as the Blaze Star, and most of the time, it is way too dim to be visible to the naked eye. But once roughly every 80 years, a violent thermonuclear explosion makes it over 10,000 times brighter. The last time it happened was in 1946, so now it’s our turn to see it.

- Neighborhood litterbug

- Ticking time bomb

- The mother of all iPhones


@grayruby, had you heard of this?
No but this is very cool.
It's relatively old news for having not happened yet.
Heavy elements like gold are forged in the explosions of stars so maybe we'll see some more make it to Earth in a few decades or so.