I would guess that there are some wonky tweaks that @k00b and @ek have already thought through to address that, if it seems like it's becoming a serious problem.
As it is, I see the rewards system as getting things mostly right, with the occasional undesired outcome.
One thing I'd love to see is bigger rewards for posts/comments that generate more discussion. It's another one that's hard to implement without opening up easy exploits.
Regardless what the algo is there is always going to be some risk of people trying to game the system. Agree overall the reward system is solid but agreed sometimes it produces some head scratching results like a person with one comment and a few zaps being 5th for the day.
As long as it's just one person, I imagine it's not worth the time to address. If half of the top 10 looked like that, though, they'd probably do something.