If anyone wants to tune in the Rules Committee is currently debating the bills here Ranking Member Maxine Waters has been pretty wild so far and is oblivious that her own party has ditched the path she is going
Maxine Water's Highlights so far...
  • Legislation would remove all guardrails from crypto
  • All crypto companies are unregistered and operating illegally
  • Crypto only benefits the wealthy
  • There are no consumer protections in place with this legislation
All of these are false and Members from Ranking Member Waters party have written letters debunking this because it is just flat-out incorrect and seems like she (Ranking Member Waters) hasn't read the legislation
  • Republicans only want to attack SEC Gensler (doesn't mention that Democrats have been doing the exact same thing) But the best one by far is
  • I don't know what Amenedments you are talking about that would address these issues with holding people accountable
It makes a ton of sense that Water's is literally by herself