This is a more difficult issue to address, as this type of behavior could be legitimate. However, I believe that to be rewarded with thousands, it is not enough to simply reach the end of the day and zap the top posts. The algorithm takes into account the order of the zaps and the value, which seems balanced. More stackers would help to better distribute rewards, I would say a few thousand daily.
Agree more stackers would help balance things out and it is not as simple as zapping top posts and having a few comments but we did see last week at least 3 days where one stacker got into the top ten with only a few zaps and a couple top comments. I understand why the algo is set up to reward quality but I think it punishes quantity to try and root out spam. I don't know what the answer is. We don't want to reward people for posting nonsense all day to get rewards but also don't want people who aren't really engaging broadly to be rewarded above others simply because they zapped every top post and had the top comment on a top post.
It's definitely a tough balance to strike.