I'll add this. This is fitting into a classic pattern of taking something that isn't really about left/right and making it about that. This happens over and over and influencers and politicians do this to gain attention and support. I think that might be happening here. That's the best case. Worst case is both sides are working together to discourage people from even trying to use secure messaging tools.
Way to many people in bitcoin and SN are delusional. It is very hard to get my friends and family to use anything other than surveillance tech. Signal is by far the tool I've had the most success with. I love all the tools. There are tools better than Signal in some ways but they make compromises that make them harder to adopt. Some are just new and buggy. Some don't have the features people want. It is not helpful for us to slam an effective tool like Signal and pretend we actually have options that non-technical people will use. I'm in favor of using these newer tools. They need users. We should be supporting by using all of these tools that protect privacy. Don't throw rocks and the good tools.