That's fair use then, I meant in contrast to the thesis of the FSP, which attempted to to DoS local elections as opposed to leading others from a position of strength.
Might it be that many libertarians also happen to be weirdos?
Most Bitcoiners are Libertarians and weird, so it's not that... It may have simply been the cohort of people without ties elsewhere. As a native New England'er it was an inconsequential move for me.
I saw that it recently changed leadership and tone, so it wasn't just me that was put off by it. In hindsight it just seems like it was a bad idea from the start.
this territory is moderated
it was a bad idea from the start.
There was a top-down central planning flavor to it that's quite at odds with libertarians and libertarianism. I think it was just an attempt at bottom-up coordination, but that doesn't seem like the way it played out.
I prefer the more organic approach of people just being really conscientious about where they choose to live. Jurisdictions compete for residents, so favorable policies will emerge from our residency choices.
Yep, the fact that it even needed a change in leadership says it all
May as well just find your niche and join the bigger fight, which is global and spiritual