Big Bank and government friendly entities (ie BlackRock) control a new industry in a way to bolster the US financial system?
indeed not fully thought out. Blackrock isn't government friendly. They are friendly with their customers = shareholders. Shareholders want profit and therefore hate taxes. Thus makes them govenment hostile.
The govenment friendly players here are e.g. the FED or FTC. Also banks because they are in a middle men position profiting from the governments systemic monopoly. This doesn't apply to asset managers as they are not in this middle men position. 🤓☝🏻
being influential != being the government
Shareholders are an influential group in this world. So is the government. But that doesn't make them identical. They might align on keeping up the status quo. They don't align on many other matters
Power and influence are related but different
I included them as government friendly entities, like big banks. I think I'm missing your point.