Lol Sounds more like a wah wah man, quit crying about what other people do with their business and property, if the shareholders didn't like what he was doing they'd dump the stonk and force the liquidation of the bitcoin, Saylor has been doing it for so long and so public about his stance, you can't say you didn't know what you're getting into so anyone owning or working there knows whats up, and they're sticking around
I don't know why dudes can't just accept they were late to the party but theres still get on board, but would rather make hollow fud pieces, i'm all for FUD if theres context, countries seizing miners, mining pools colluding, lol pick something real man not from my 5 mins of not understanding bitcoin I think its worthless despite it being the best performing asset for over a decade
As for the oh bitcoin will crash, yeah always does, but temporary dips clearly haven't affected the company before, if going down to 14k wasn't an issue what is a crash down from 70k going to do?