Why would they do that? In which way the Comunist Party of China benefits from helping their population for good?
Don't forget that the deal was always: we provide for prosperity and you all give us your sovereignty.
That was never the case with CCP
I know, Pooh bear doesnt think people mean anything.
Anybody with any power in china thinks the same. It's a CCP core value: the Party above everything else. People are just tools to achieve the Party''s goals.
Someone needs to grow some balls and stage a coup.
they do, but Xi is a very cautious man and have the habit of purging political enemies and journalists before they can strike him out.
By purging I mean killing them
Yes, I realize. People dont stay in power forever.
I dont think there was ever a deal...
Ways change, they need to adapt with the world.
They have a tight grab on power and are expanding their influence over africa and south america and oceania.
Xi Jinping's goal is to make a modern day silk road and control commerce world wide. Their population was never a priority, and will continue to be neglected in the next decades.
Its suffering now with the massive distribution of men to women.