Thank you for your service to better today’s world.
Do you feel that it was worth sacrificing three years of the prime of your youth? Or you wouldn’t call it a sacrifice but refer to it as a trade-off?
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Honoured to serve Sr :)
I take the word sacrifice. Might sound dramatic but that's exactly what I did, and it felt terrible and distressing every second amidst a non-stop madness that I could translate into a complete netflix series... my goodness... But the reason I openly say and repeat that is because people needs to let sink in the reality that even in the era of democracy, to create such a major political change painful and massive sacrifices are needed.
I hated every second of it. It's not my field (I'm and engineer, full techie), it's not my game (I'm the computer/workshop guy, not a social extrovert), it's 24/7 hostile, it's 24/7 demanding, it's 24/7 world-ending drama... I started it just as a plain banzai charge: straight to the bullets, not the enemy. With time, it unexpectedly and thankfully became a trade-off, and now I just can't conceive my existence without knowing what I now know. Had I know I would end up learning what I did, I would have done it as a trade-off, not a sacrifice. I have now a massive baggage to unpack, and a new self assigned mission, which is part of the reason I'm here.
Kudos to you for undertaking something you knew you would hate but did it for the greater good.
I hope you find SN n us a safe place for you to unload some of your baggage.
Don’t worry about wife and kids. I became a father at 39. If it comes, it comes. Otherwise, live your best single life!
Thank you, I appreciate your words :') I really don't have a baggage to unload, it's more like to "unpack". From my experiences, like I commented in another answer to you, I can only take notes, and link them. With time that has lead me to have material that, specially in the last 3 years, became useful and battle tested, so the notes started to become something more of a manual, which I keep developing. I will be sharing with all of you many things along the days :)