Most people will take interest in crypto by first learning about Bitcoin, but then will conclude it needs to be improved upon. This is what drives the average person into alts, and given alts' inexplicable tradability you're lead to believe they have some intrinsic value. This either due to their proof-of-work or due to their abilities beyond what bitcoin appears to be capable of.
The toxic bitcoin maximalist will presume anyone that 'indulges in shitcoining' is here to evangelize their favorite coin, and the maxi will mount a counterattack. This counterattack by a Bitcoin ambassador will appear to be uncharitable, and therefore accumulates against Bitcoin's social capital and public image.
What the maxi is actually doing is reacting to their former selves.
If you could go back in time to warn yourself against pursuing a woman that took you for a ride and set you back many years, but you couldn't convince your former self to change your decisions, to your former self you'd probably appear to be quite the asshole. This is what maxis are doing to the shitcoin evangelists, we've all been exactly where you are and its a combination of being suspicious and self-loathing for having been deceived and having defended loathsome thieves in the same manner.