It's frustrating to see how the current Bitcoin culture and climate has turned. We went from "freedom money" to "pump my bags, please." The idea of "Fuck the Banks" to "For the Banks" has been disappointing.
1 - Beat the competition
If CBDCs geared towards fast, cheap and stable payments, the Bitcoin needs it must exceed it. Whatever the CBDC does, Bitcoin needs to do it better. Faster, cheaper, more reliable and more private. Not on the second layer, at the base.
Is he proposing PoS?
I don't think so. I think he's advocating more on chain development.
Maybe he doesn't have a lot of technical knowledge, because making bitcoin faster means changing the fundamental rules of bitcoin.
I just re-read it. You're right. He clearly puts it on the devs. From what I know about the account the guy lives in bitcoin, has never indicated an advocacy of Ver style bullshit. I would have thought he would embrace lightning or other level 2s.
I don’t really understand why he’s down on layer 2s. I agreed with a lot of it though. Bitcoin needs to work for everyone and be easy to onboard.
The reason I was interested to begin with is that lately I have ventured from my little SN bubble of kindred spirits and have run into bitcoiners who think you're nuts to spend a single sat on anything. I needed a dose of "living on bitcoin" perspective
Imagine the whole world was hyperbitcoinized. Just look at how many channel openings/closings you did in the last 12 years? Multiply it with the number of people on earth.
L2s did a lot. But it's not enough.
Calls us kids, but knows very little. Global south is already embracing lightning. It is fast, cheap and can easily be used non-custodially.
I really don't get why he's opposed to L2. Otherwise, I'm totally on board with faster, cheaper, and (especially) making BTC more user-friendly. To me, that's the whole point of L2.
Exactly. I feel like somebody has to talk to this guy. I know @DarthCoin reads his stuff.
For the banks? In what way?