The US is planning on putting boots on the ground* in Palestine and Trump launched that assassination of an Iranian general. I think it's only a matter of time before that situation blows up.
Russia and China both have their own tensions in the Middle East. It's an extremely volatile situation and no one seems to be pulling us back from the brink.
*Technically, they're going to put boots on a floating pier and attach the pier to Palestine.
What? This sounds crazy. Trump doesnt have that kind of power lol
The Trump one was while he was president.
Oh, maybe I didnt pay attention enough. I thought Russian and China were going to launch brics? Shouldnt that take precedence?
I doubt either one wants to get involved. I’m just saying that they both have volatile situations right on their borders.
Thats true. Its a shame that this world cant live without war. You would think that they could talk through their problems.