This is chapter 27 of The Final Product, you may want to go back to Chapter 26 or start at the beginning.


In the morning, Jane made a decision. She bought a ticket to the capital to go see Barrow. Jane was impressed by the gigantic size of the Association’s building, and she almost gave up when she walked into the cavernous lobby. Everything was very clean and elegant.
Jane had barely waited five minutes, when Barrow appeared at the far side of the lobby and briskly came towards her. His shoes tapped smartly on the polished floor.
‘Mrs Franklin,’ said Barrow. ‘I’m so glad you’ve come to see me.’
‘Thank you, Mr Barrow. I’m here to see my husband.’
‘Yes, of course. Well, I must tell you the Association determined that it was appropriate to transfer him into federal custody and so he is not actually here anymore.’
‘I’m sorry...custody? Is he in some sort of trouble?’
‘Not at all,’ said Barrow. ‘Not at all. It’s merely the term we are using in this instance. The circumstances are really very unusual.’
‘But I don’t understand,’ said Jane. ‘Is something wrong? Why can’t you let him come home?’
‘No, no, no—nothing is wrong. It is simply that he is no longer here at the Association’s offices, and, therefore, I am unable to release him.’
‘But, how can I see him?’
‘I really don’t know, President Welles does not always keep the Association informed of her actions. Even when they are of the utmost relevance.’
At this point, it seems, Barrow was struck by something of a revelation. Indeed it was very odd that it had not occurred to him before.
‘I am happy to try to locate him on your behalf,’ he said.
‘Yes, I would really like to see him. Is there anything I can do to help?’
‘Do you know, I believe there is. You see, the government really has no trouble ignoring my advice, but the pleas of a hero’s wife would be another matter entirely.’
Chapter 28 tomorrow, same time, same place.