Ah, so Missouri/Tennessee/Kentucky etc. I've never been to that part of the US. I have seen the Netflix show Ozark though, and that place seem hella cool. I have no idea what Smoky Mountains look like.
The bitcoin scene in Nashville seems pretty cool thanks to Odell and friends. I might take a trip over there with my IRL bitcoin friends one day, but we have El Salvador higher on the list now. But still all talk and no action.
The US is so big and filled with so many differently beautiful landscapes. The name of their national parks annual pass do not lie: America the Beautiful. So many places you can explore and see, if you're willing to travel.
I'm fairly new to this part of the country. Broadly speaking, I'm from the western US and am used to abundantly beautiful landscapes.
If you're talking about the coastal states, I strongly agree. My family went on a 13 day 6500km road trip last March, from BC to Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, then back through Oregon, and Washington. So many beautiful places along the way. We also went down Hwy 101 along the Oregon coast into California this March, it was also amazingly beautiful.