I used to be obsessed with stuff like this. Saving for retirement. Investing into retirement accounts but lately I just stopped caring as much. The game is rigged. The government spends into oblivion banks charge interest on money that never existed the system is set up for you to fail at every turn l.
After a failed venture with my friend that will most likely wipeout the savings I did have I started to shift my focus on just living and keeping it simple. And it boils down to this
  1. Do I have a home I can live in rent free?
  2. Do I have BTC?
I look at my mother and she’s doing just fine with a small house and SS income to meet her needs. Same for my late grandfather. After he retired he used his pension and all he did was keep up his home and watch sports all day. Didn’t fall into this trap of needing all this money to live a good life amongst family and loved ones.