I do, i started in 2014 when I began my personal finance journey, I'd been working for 3 years at that point so I actually had some savings and wanted to figure out what I could do with it, i'd always been a good saver, but I could see it wasn't going anywhere and I needed to invest, and I went into stonks, ETFs and gold and later Bitcoin and shitcoins
I think tracking it helped me find what worked and what didn't work, and through a process of elimination i found my way back to Bitcoin
I don't track it as aggressively as I did before because the fiat number becomes less important as inflation just makes number go up, but keeping track of how much relative purchasing power I have gives me a sense of the things I can access in future, what amount of risk I can take in my business and life and if I can support my family in times of need or cover my own emergencies
Thanks for sharing your journey!
I think knowing how much buffer we have built for unexpected contingencies is compelling reason to track our net worth.