At a moment like this, where Bitcoin adoption is at the forefront, I believe it's important to alert newcomers about certain circumstances they may encounter along their journey as a Bitcoiner.
On one hand, I think it's crucial that you understand the asset you're buying, an asset that has many advantages and qualities, but one of the most overlooked when purchasing your bitcoin is privacy.
Typically, when people delve into the vast and immense world of bitcoin, they go straight to the exchange to buy their first units, which I don't see as a bad thing; it's part of the learning curve.
Once you know more about the asset, you need to start being careful about how you purchase those units, where you acquire them from, always avoiding KYC. If the regulatory course continues as it seems to be, it will be crucial that you have done your homework properly, or else the tears will come later. Bitcoin, among many things, is secretive property.
Study Bitcoin thoroughly, learn how to buy it pseudonymously, how to store it securely, and enjoy all that Bitcoin can do for you.
And remember, not your keys, not your coins.