We've discussed the danger of the current development model, and reliance on centralized hubs, a few times. I think this is both necessary and inevitable for most projects in the btc ecosystem:
With the US government seizure of the Samourai server came the shutdown of their Gitlab instance, previously hosted on code.samourai.io. We utilized their self-hosted repository which made it easy for us to maintain our fork of their node software stack, Dojo. Thus the seizure put an immediate halt to our operations and development, to include the Beta testing for v2.2.0.
We are currently moving to our own self-hosted instance that will be available via tor browser. To clarify: we cannot rely on middle-men such as a domain registrar to protect us from any government procedural overreach. With this preemptive switch to give access only with onion URL's, we can be sure that we serve our code for as long as we are in control of our own servers.
I generally believe in not pre-solving most problems bc most of the time you don't understand the nature of the problem till you have it, and solving it in advance amounts to wasted time. Wrt this one, I think it would probably be worth pre-solving it for things like core development; but there seems no appetite for doing so. We'll see how it works out.