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@cryotosensei reminded of this territory.
Prompted by this, what is your favorite beer? I've recently become a sucker for hazy IPAs but they are abusrdly expensive here. On average, double the price of any other craft beer.
첫사랑 (first love) was my beer of choice today :)
Outside of Korea, I do like myself a good Belgian Duvel.
Talking about Belgian beers, I would definitely recommend you Rochefort 10.
I was lucky enough to go to Bruge before. Walked around for 3 days and had nothing but of beer, waffles, fries, and chocolate.... There was a beer from a Trappist monastery whose name escapes me was really good, and Rochefort was delicious....and yes after too many Delirium Tremens you really do start to see pink elephants.
I think you are talking about Westvleteren, which is a great one too!
Thats it!! Thank you....I had forgotten the name, but now I can search for it in the States. Cheers!
I really started to enjoy Taiwans brand of beer. It was always just easy to drink. But I like Kirin too.
You made me dig out my old article about beer! 🍺 1
I doubt you will get many responses though. Many Stackers don’t drink.
My vote goes to Suntory The Premium Malts. It just hits differently for me. I wrote in my article. It bowls you over with a taste of flavours: its subtle sweetness, spiciness and non-overpowering bitterness. Treat yourself to this artisanal beer!


    • Asahi Dry Zero is a nonalcoholic beer that lets you savor the crisp taste of beer. - Sapporo Premium Beer is actually brewed in Tokyo; it’s a pale lager beer that tantalises you with a hint of citrus flavour. - Orion Premium Beer is brewed in Okinawa using malt from the highest quality European varieties; it has a mild taste that goes well with light food like sushi. - Kirin Hyouketsu Sparkling Chardonnay is a chuhai (that replicates the delectable taste of Chardonnay white wine by using white grape juice for favouring.
Drake's Denogganizer!
I prefer lagers generally which isn't really saying much. There's a lot less diversity among lagers so it's hard to gain an attachment to one. I suspect the differences between one or another is mostly a matter of the grain used.
Container Brewry's HODL Beer, Vancouver