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Remarkable points in DSA line:
  • 2016ish: popularity as a reaction to Trump presidency
  • flatlining in 2019? Idk but it could be that many memberships were pulled forward in 2018 before AOC joining congress
  • 2022: DSAs support of Russias war is deeply unpopular. Also the start of the current inflation wave: Maybe a little disillusionment with their ideology?
  • Next up 2024: The war in the middle east seems to be a popular pretext for recruiting for the commies. We'll see when the data comes out
A 10x increase in socialist institutions from 2016 - 2023 is nuts.
They just came out of the shadows. Before the nomination of Hillary they thought they could leverage the entire democratic party. But mainstream social democrat parties aren't on board with fully fledged socialism... 🤷🏻‍♀️
What happens if Trump gets back in?
I can't see the future but if the past is any indication the numbers might rise again? Or maybe everybody that wants to join already joined 8 years ago? Hard to say.
Most socialists were children 8 years ago
Heh. I was literally a DSA member before I developed a better understanding of bitcoin and the destructive and corrupting force of infinite money. Without knowledge of these two things, it's easy to lose hope and find appeal in collectivist movements like universal healthcare and basic income. Bitcoin is the best thing I've come across that can restore a person's feeling of agency and self determination.
You're right about Trump presidency, or as it is seen from the chart. Also the wars anywhere aren't helping the cause.
I disagree. Americans still socialize most of their security, dispute resolution, medical care, most emergency services. Most socialist organizations aren't perceived to be socialist. Anything the state has massive influence over/a monopoly of control of should be considered socialist. Taxes continue to rise. State and federal governments continue to grow. Every legislative session ends with more laws, not less.
At least we can opt out in more ways than one could even 20 years ago.
I'm not sure I can follow. You disagree with what? The DSA describes itself as socialist and I have never heard someone not perceiving them as such.
I am suggesting that there are a lot of organizations out there that should be considered socialist, and that they are on the rise. :)
It's a strange ideology and the woke aspect of it appears to be failing.