Nice article bro!
We have also reinvented this as 'Group marriages' recently. What we are doing is that many couples register for a marriage to get married in the Group marriage so as to cut down on costa of marriages. Here in India marriages are very expensive.
When I got married it costed us nearly +$50000. But this is a tradition here and many social institutions have gathered around to say that this is unessential expense and we can save it.
But what about 'no expenses at all'. I see markets flourish at the time of marriages and festivals. If people do not spend money, it would be a huge negative impact on markets.
If it were up to me, I would have skipped the wedding and pumped my money into the honeymoon, but my wife would be livid. Haha.
You will not like this, but a couple of years ago, two Indian employees working for Coinbase got married to each other on the ETH blockchain. I always thought they were revolutionary