Learn how to show up and stick to a certain consistent quantity of writing every day (3 pages is a good place to start). IMO, dgaf about quality, subject matter, sense - and especially just allow yourself to just ride the wave of it (i.e. if it gets emotional, if it gets mundane, just stick with it until your allotted pages are up for the day). Also - get frustrated. make a mess, scream at your journal, throw it off a roof. It’s a book and you are its owner. But also caress it, hold it gently, cry into it - in short, do what you want to do with it and use it as an opportunity to learn about yourself today and create who you want to be tomorrow.
I explain my morning writing process to people and they say it sounds like word vomit. If writing a “big project” is like weaving a tapestry, learning how to excavate and extract your most base thoughts on anything and everything is like spinning cotton fibers.
IMO, when you don’t let yourself actually write like this it becomes a trick pony performance project of leaving a carefully constructed record of who you think you are. I thought I’d be writing creative fiction by now. I actually end up writing a lot of essays on morality. Would not have found that part of me if I had forced myself into writing only on certain things - or god forbid, only wrote when I felt like it.
I’ve been writing like this for about 3 years now. Anywhere from 3-20 pages a day. I still “wish” I was doing more “creative writing” but it’s amazing to have a real opinion on anything. And to have an appreciation for the finer points of writing, prosody > “concision” 🤮