"Where possible, it would be nice to get some motivation. Why this procedure, instead of something else? What exactly is this accomplishing?"
Man, I don't even know that myself (yet). I'm simply trying to accrue the necessary"facts" in the right order, and form it into a sort of "canvas" to work off of, to try and have it make sense to me. πŸ₯²
I know it's tough, and it's not even close to how broadly it could be written...
It makes you wonder how a supposedly single coder could think about all these intricacies, and have them not only make [functional] sense, but have it also weather every storm...
Mind. Blown.
I'm pushing close to a hundred hours on the first part and second draft alone... I'm happy to call it a day on those when it's done.
It makes you wonder how a supposedly single coder could think about all these intricacies
Are you thinking about Pieter Wuille or Greg Maxwell here? Cause it's probably not Satoshi. https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_0032
Well, that, but elliptic curves are also used in transaction signing et cetera.
What did the single coder do? I think a mathematician must have invented the use of elliptic curves for cryptographic signing way back.
You're making me uncomfortable, Lumor.
Sorry about that.
I guess my drive is to have technically minded people to not ascribe too much genius to others that came before them. It can be demoralizing, at least to myself to put them on too high pedestals. Everyone should contribute their part.
And I'm with you on that! I wonder what you're up to; anything in the making? πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈπŸŒ
Also it's good to remember that every single idea originated inside the brain of a single person (sometimes with redundancy). More of an empowering perspective..
Maybe I'm on the hunt for even better perspectives, to boost creativity. :) Do not create under this nym.
Hm, a wise little fella it seems, under what nym are you creating then?
I also think it's fine to have these two summaries be highly technical, since you're planning on building off of them. Some of the context and "Why should I care?" will come later.
Yeah... At least that's what I hope 🀣