Integrating bitcoin payments is hard easier than you think

What if we told you that every web app could accept bitcoin payments with just two lines of JavaScript? It's almost unbelievable, especially when compared to the code required by traditional payment gateways, not to mention the managerial complexities of dealing with these providers. The potential of a permissionless, open and digital native payment system like bitcoin is significant and its ease of integration into apps is surprising for many of us. But why should one pay in bitcoin and not in common fiat currency? Or are there actually enough wallets for users to pay in apps? Rightful questions that are hard to answer. But let us show you a path!

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Incredible work. Building a business on ad revenue creates perverse incentives since the users are not the paying customer.
Ad networks with consumer products bolted on have created some of the most powerful anti-privacy tech in history (Google, Facebook, TikTok, etc.). Giving the average person the option to support a service while protesting the ad network is a major milestone. Hopefully we see wide adoption of this!
Killing it as usual
Alby is doing right things. I wish them all the best.