Today we’ll be taking a look at the classic Bitcoin HODL Waves.
Each coloured band shows the percentage of Bitcoin that last moved within that time period.
As the colours get darker, the age bands get older (purple being the oldest, representing coins last moved 10+ years ago).

We’ll just be focusing on coins last moved 6+ months ago. (long-term holders)

Here’s the breakdown:
  • 6m - 12m: 8.54%
  • 1y - 2y: 12.04%
  • 2y - 3y: 11.03%
  • 3y - 5y: 13.25%
  • 5y - 7y: 10.66%
  • 7y - 10y: 4.87%
  • 10y: 16.09%
That’s ~76.84% of the Bitcoin supply not moving for more than 6 months…
That’s wild.
There simply isn’t that much Bitcoin available for sale right now.
Combined with the halving…
Things are about to get real spicy.
Yes, that's pretty wild. But for what? The big players, the whales, only come out to sale together and that's when the things get real spicy.